Meeting convened at 7:12 p.m.  Both the minutes from the last brotherhood meeting and those of the last executive board meeting were read and accepted.

First vice president:

Camp Anderson will be Saturday, February 10.  We will finish an A frame and  clear brush from the kitchen.  Cars will leave at 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. prospective pledges are welcome.

Northampton Volunteers met with the social worker this week.  She has the names of 30 boys without fathers.  Pete gave schedules to the brothers interested.  We are ushering at "Barefoot in the Park" February 8th, 9th, and 10th. 

Books for Vista will also go to Holyoke Community College. 

The ride board chairman is Mike Dowal. 

Lionel passed a lost & found list. 

The Book Exchange is still figuring its accounts. 

We need to brothers to be at the Engineering Building MWF at 4:05 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. to help a handicapped boy in an out of EBE. 

There is a service meeting Thursday night at 7 p.m.

Second VP:

The brotherhood list was started.  The first smoker is February 12 at the Colonial Lounge of the Student Union, after the meeting.  Brothers are asked to wear a tie and jacket for the smoker.  There is a membership meeting tonight.

Third VP:

On Friday night of Winter Carnival weekend, APO will sponsor a nightclub party, to be held at Farley Lodge.  The cost is $.75 per person, stag or drag.  Its success will depend on the enthusiasm of the brotherhood. 

On Saturday we (given 'em hell George!)  will enter the Pancake Eating Contest in the Olympics followed by a Coffee Hour at Farley Lodge. 

We will have a supper meeting March 3 in Farley Lodge. 

Dave Mitchell is publishing our alumni newsletter. Joe Cosgrove as Fellowship chairman. 

Will have a snow sculpture, providing snow comes.  The schedule for the semester will be distributed in two weeks.  Don Wesel is our GSS coordinator.  In his infinite wisdom, he has proposed a campout, at Camp Anderson, and picnic softball game.


The treasury is still in audit; paddles are in; dues are due February 19.


The next meeting will be held in the Colonial Lounge in the Student Union at 7 p.m. followed by a smoker.  The president will investigate the whereabouts of my room in Hampshire House.

Old Business:

MST (Executive Board) move that the dues be five dollars per brother.  Motion was read as per the bylaws and it will be presented for discussion on next Monday. 

New Business: 

MSP (Cosgrove) move that the chapter appropriate amount of money, not to exceed $1.50 per brother, a food for Camp Anderson.

Adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Dave Whitney
Recording Secretary

PS sorry about last week, it won't happen again

Next available meeting minutes